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Hello from us

You may remember, a few weeks ago I wrote a post about sponsoring Fatoumata. I wanted to continue to share our communications, so below is our first letter to Fatoumata, introducing our family. We were given very little space to write on, so it is short and sweet – and it needed to be in simple language, as it has to be translated at the other end. Here it is …

Dear Fatoumata,

We wanted to write to say hello and let you know how excited we are to be sponsoring you. Our names are Caroline and Rob and we have a 3-year-old son called Jack. We are really looking forward to getting to know you better.

We live in a village in North East England, near an area called Peterborough.  Rob works nearby as a lorry driver and I work for a charity. Jack goes to nursery school locally and likes playing with his friends. He loves playing with his toys (especially cars and trucks). He also loves us reading stories to him. We like to spend time as a family, visiting places and doing things like taking Jack swimming. I also really like writing and I enjoy spending time running as well. Rob loves computers and cars. I have included a photo of us all, so you can see what we look like.

What is it like where you live? Do you have lots of friends in your village that you like to play with? We would love to hear all about your family and what you like doing.

We hope you are able to write back and we are looking forward to hearing from you.


Caroline, Rob and Jack



A monster big thank you

thankyouIt was only at the beginning of January I launched my blog – a bit unsure of myself, my writing and the challenges ahead. 6 weeks down the line, I’m overwhelmed by the positive response received. I just wanted to take the opportunity to say to all my visitors, followers, commenters and silent perusers – Thank you! Without you, it would all be a bit meaningless.

And just look at these fabulous statistics:

Views so far – 2,405

Followers of my blog – 56

Followers of Facebook page – 36

I have been nominated for two Liebster Awards, one which I accepted (thank you Concentrate on Yourself) and a second one I didn’t accept, but I would still like to acknowledge (thank you Reflections and Nightmares- Irene A Waters (writer and memoirist)).

I have met some inspirational people along the way and now consider myself a member of some super-welcoming forums and groups. If you want to meet some fabulous, like-minded folk, check out some of these forums, blogs and challenges:

I’m learning to explore my writing and growing conviction in my abilities. I’ve even entered my first writing competition, something I would never have had the gall to do before. I’m a whole stone in weight lighter and I have managed to tick a few challenges off my list already. I hope to keep you entertained, I hope you keep coming back for more and I hope you continue to give me the motivation to continue with my goals.

Day 10: My 5 favourite sports personalities

Debra Searle
Debra Searle

It’s time for my day 10 contribution to the Fitness Blogger 30-Day Writing Challenge.

Oooh, this is a hard one! As I have previously admitted, I am not really into ‘sport’! Pair that with the fact that I live quite happily and ignorantly in my own little ‘media free’ bubble; I have no clue of what is going on out in the Sports world, or who anyone is!!!!! I am really going to have scrape the bottom of the barrel for this one. I apologise now for any super-cool sports personalities I have left off the list – I have just never heard of you! 🙂 So the top 5 are awarded to:

  1. Debra Searle: A good few years ago (oooh, we may even be talking about 2003!) I went to the Southampton Boat Show for a jaunt with the OH. There was this truly remarkable woman who was doing a talk about her experience rowing the Atlantic ocean. A novice rower, who had set off with her husband – a top-level club oarsman – who took the brave decision to carry on alone when her husband developed a crippling fear of the ocean and deserted ship. I have never felt so motivated to go and row across an ocean in my life after hearing her speak! 🙂 (N.B. I never did – I hate rowing, and I’m a bit apprehensive of the sea!). Nearly 11 years later, I still remember her clearly. A truly motivational, down-to-earth and inspirational woman.
  2. Vinnie Jones: I am so going to be in trouble for this one with the OH! Okay, I might have a cheeky soft spot for a bit of a ‘hard man’! 🙂 I have no idea what he was like as a footballer, but I like the fact he is a little bit ‘crazy’! And he’s done a great job of forging a post-football acting career for himself! Come on, who likes their men all nice and boring anyway! 😉
  3. Mo Farah: He’s my pick for a few reasons:
    • He’s a truly exceptional endurance runner (you’ve got to admire that!)
    • His running down hill is less than graceful;
    • He seems like a down to earth kind of guy; and
    • He was caught on camera (courtesy of Graham Norton) eating a great big, greasy burger! What’s not to love?!
  4. Paula Radcliffe: Cause she is just epic! Smashing records left right and centre at the height of her running career. And who could ever forget that famous ‘pee’! 🙂
  5. Dennis Rodman: Cause you love to hate him! He is super-bad and oozes attitude and character! He’s ma-hoo-sive, is covered in piercings and tattoos and has a very unique look. Come on, he’s dated the likes of Madonna and Carmen Electra, he must have something going on! Oh, I guess he was pretty good at Basketball in his day too! 🙂